Tuesday, February 3, 2015

As You Think, So Shall You Become --Bruce Lee

"The Words You THINK Become the HOUSE you live in." 
--Nishit Patel 

Join me in conversation with the author of this title quote, Nishit Patel, the first Wednesday of every month. Tomorrow our topic will be Mantra Initiation: Mastering Your Second Birth. Subscribe for the monthly teleconference here: Better Existence Events 

by Jennifer Rose & Better Existence | February 3, 2015

You are what your deep, driving desire is. 
As your desire is, so is your will. 
As your will is, so is your deed. 
As your deed is, so is your destiny. --Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV.4.5

Introspective people have a tendency to bring cautionary attention to our thinking. 

We are what we think. 
All that we are arises with our thoughts. 
With our thoughts we make the world. 
Speak or act with an impure mind 
And trouble will follow you 
As the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart.  --The Buddha, from The Dhamapada

When wisdom appears similar across different traditions, that really gets my attention. 

Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. --Proverbs 4:23

There is a battle of two wolves inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, lies, inferiority, and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth. Which wolf wins? The one you feed. --Cherokee Proverb

You can take their word for it, or you can find out for yourself. 

I guess I am the do-it-yourself kid. I want to run my own tests. I don't want to know it's true, want to experience this truth. I want to empower you to run your own tests, too. 

One concept in all of these quotations is that our thoughts have a creative effect. Mr. Patel is very concise and contrasts the subtle, interior "words you THINK" with a tangible, exterior "HOUSE."

What will you do with this wisdom?

When we set out to work on our "words" we are on in internal mission.

Meditation may be the most useful practice to empower a person who wants to change their thinking. Meditation introduces you to your interior life, of which your thoughts are a part. Many of the words we think are completely unconscious. And the "house" we find ourselves living in may seem alien, and not of our making. Meditation can make the unconscious conscious, and we can take responsibility not only for ourselves, but for our circumstances. (Read more about not being a victim of circumstances.) 

Meditation takes attention from the outside world and turns it inward. We become attuned to our bodies. And we benefit. We become more aware of how the food we eat affects us physically and mentally. We notice the effects of how much we sleep. We make better choices. 

People who meditate notice their emotions and the effects of emotions. They know how long they stay mad once they get started, for example. And there are glimmers of peace and joy that might otherwise have been missed. 

Meditators become more aware of their thoughts, the words they think. Then, they are ready to answer the question for themselves, Do the words I think build the house I live in? That is a question that is worthwhile to ask. If you could build a better house, would you build it? Next week I will give you a method. 

For now, let's get you started meditating. You can call me, 646-831-2675, or order my 2-Minutes to Meditate Cards on Etsy. These cards are beautiful and friendly. Their handmade, jewel-tone envelopes are a sacred space where you can keep your cards.

Especially good for beginners and experienced meditators who have lost track of their daily practice somewhere along the way, these cards provide support for your practice. In just two minutes a day you can lay a reliable foundation that you can build on. 

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