Thursday, July 24, 2014

What My New York Friends Asked Me About the 2-Minute Revolution

Every Person on Earth Can Do Something Positive for Two Minutes Each Day

By Jennifer Rose | July 24, 2014

I am back in rainy Portland after visiting New York City. Rain makes me smile. Go figure. 

In New York, everywhere I went, while I was teaching yoga classes, and while I was getting my hair cut, I talked about the 2-Minute Revolution. 

Here are questions people asked about the 2-Minute Revolution, and the answers I gave:

Question: What Should I Do For 2 Minutes?
Answer: Something Positive That Feels Right to You

Three categories of positive things fit into my line of work: 1. working toward a meaningful goal (coaching). 2. Contemplating useful thoughts (introspection) 3. Meditative Practices (Yoga and Meditation)

Here are some of the ideas for 2-Minute Practices I heard from my friends and students:

Listen to the sound of the Hudson River. 
Organize my space. 
Think happy thoughts. 

Here are some ideas from Better Existence:

Sit still in an aligned posture. Read about it here: Harvard Study quoted by Better Existence
Breathe diaphragmatically. Read about it here: Barbara Fredrickson, vagus nerve, love
Simply BE silent. My yoga and meditation teacher Nishit Patel suggests practicing silence for 10 minutes. Well, I do not suppose it could hurt to begin with 2. 

Question: How Much Does It Cost?
Answer: It Is Free!

And if you sign up for the email list (look to the right) you get free encouragement such as reminders to check out the new blog posts, research on daily practices, and product announcements and discounts. 

I have been sharing prototypes of the upcoming 2-Minute practice cards, and people have been heard to say, "I want these!" They will be available very soon. 

So SIGN UP FOR THE MAILING LIST. I don't have any other way to keep in touch with you. 

If you are already practicing 2 minutes per day you are already part of the revolution. Sign up, and I will support you. Then, get your friends to sign up, too. You have already seen the value of a daily practice. Let everyone benefit from your experience, and ask them to sign up for the mailing list to get support for starting their practice. 

Question: How Long Should I Do It?
Answer: As Long As It Feels Right (PS: Every Day for the rest of your life)

This revolution is about turning inward and learning to trust your own inner wisdom. Learn a 2-Minute practice and master it, or try something different every day. And remember, every person on Earth can do something positive for 2 Minutes Every Day. 

Better Existence says, Daily-ness is important. Read about it here: Daily-ness supports change.

Please comment below with your ideas about what to do for 2 Minutes each day. What will you do for 2? 

You can get a free treat by signing up for the email list here: FIVE SECRETS THE BEST TEACHERS WISH YOU KNEW

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