Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The 2-Minute Revolution: Establish a Daily Practice

The 2-Minute Revolution:  Commit to a Short, Regular, Positive Practice

By Jennifer Rose | July 9, 2014

What Is The 2-Minute Revolution?

The 2-Minute Revolution is my mission to encourage you to commit to 2 minutes of positive practice each day. I am asking YOU to join a revolution. I am asking you to commit two minutes of your day to your own positive practice, whatever that practice may be.

Why Two Minutes?

Here is what Swami Rama says in Meditation and Its Practice about how long to practice each day:

You may sit for as long as is comfortable or for whatever time you have available on that occasion.

In the same book, Swami Rama stresses the importance of daily meditation at the same time each day. He says it "helps to eliminate the mental resistance caused by laziness and the tendency to procrastinate." (This topic is discussed in an earlier Better Existence blog post "Daily-ness Supports Change.")

Swami Rama is not being a pushover when he says "as long as is comfortable." He is not letting us off the hook when he says "whatever time you have available." He means it.

My meditation teacher Nishit Patel, a student of Swami Rama, has frequently repeated that I may meditate for two minutes when I am busy, but that I should practice on time every day. He too emphasizes the importance of regular, timely practice over feats of endurance.

Research Supports What Meditation Teachers Are Saying

Because I had already heard it from my meditation teacher, I was fascinated by Social Psychologist Amy Cuddy's research on "power posing." It correlates with my meditation instruction on at least two points: 1. assuming an "open, expansive posture," and 2. the length of time equal to two minutes.

Her research had the goal of determining whether posture impacted feeling states and behavior. After participants maintained an "open, expansive pose" for two minutes, the researchers measured decreases in cortisol, the stress hormone, and increases in testosterone, the power hormone, in both female and male study participants. They also measured a marked increase in willingness to take a risk.

The research shows that "a simple 2-min power-pose manipulation was enough to significantly alter the physiological, mental, and feeling states of our participants." Cuddy et al remark, "The implications of these results for everyday life are substantial." Meditation teachers couldn't agree more!

Swami Rama has stated that if one would only imitate the posture of a meditator, even without meditating, they would reap enormous benefits. He has called the need to meditate a "dire necessity." 

Last week's blog post explained that 2 minutes of diaphragmatic breathing could create feelings of love. Cuddy's evidence shows that 2 minutes in a meditation posture "is enough to significantly alter the physiological, mental, and feeling states of participants."  

Get These Benefits Into Your Life Today

You can see that I am leading up to something. Are you ready to commit to 2 minutes a day to reap these rewards for yourself? Please add your comments below. 

If you are ready to join the 2-minute revolution simply start your daily practice. If you need support for your practice, call me 646-831-2675 or email

We can help you be comfortable in a meditation posture. We can help you learn to breathe diaphragmatically. We can help you identify the right time for your practice, one that will support your effort. 

Even if your positive practice is not meditation, we are here to support you with our program for turning your habit of failure into The New Habit of Success. 

These benefits are your birthright. Claim them. 

Get     5 Secrets the Best Teachers Wish You Knew

BE Better Existence | 646-831-2675 |

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